Houston Photographer

Vladimir Ambía . 713-858-9160 . info@ambia-photography.com

My child, my love, our little treasure.

Vladimir AmbiaComment

Every parent I have ever talked to about kids said the same thing. "It will change your life", "It's a feeling you never had before".

Well, I may have to agree. Although the best way to describe my feelings for her is in a very special phrase, and in spanish. "Dulce criatura, soy tan dependiente de tu amor". 

Lucia Katerina, that is her name. Lucia Katerina, such a beautiful song in my ear.

My wife, to give birth is an amazing process. My wife, my hard working powerful wife. She is by far tougher than me.  I could've never be able to handle the pain.... no man can.

I am now a dad. 
